Saturday, August 6, 2011

It's been awhile...

...Since I've posted any "non-Texture Tuesday" images here on Clique, so I thought I'd share a couple of new edited photos, plus some of my own digital textures I've created.  The flower photos were taken yesterday, Aug 5, at the entrance to the landfill yard in Birchwood.  Just goes to show that one can find beauty anywhere, if one knows how to see...

Anyway, I will post the original photo first, then the edited version and also some samples of the homemade texture I used.  I have 14 tetxures total and if anyone is interested in trying them out, let me know and I'll email you the full size.

Hmmm... Ok. Apparently, I cannot upload my photos in tff format and since I cannot figure out how to save them in jpg in my CS4 program, I'll have to share those another time and just let you see the next textures I've created.  Sorry about that :(  All of the texture pix are shots taken of painted concrete - various shades of pinks, oranges, reds and browns. The last image is unpainted, but has a lot of colorful pebbles ad such embedded in the concrete that I thought would make an interesting texture.

I'll see what I can do about posting the edited photos.  I might have to use my PSE6 on the desktop and resave as jpgs that way.  Will try to get them done later this evening, as we are heading out again tomorrow and not sure when I'll have the opportunity to do so in the next week.

~ klb

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