Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Texture Tuesday ~ "Anything Goes" eDition

Took these floral images at the Centenial Rose Garden in downtown Anchorage on July 30th. Kim Klassen's requirement for this week's TT was to usse at least one of her textures on one of our favorite photos.  I'm not sure any of these photos are my "favorite," but they're my favorite of the 50 or so shots I took at the garden!

Each photo uses three of Kim's textures: Granny's Cupboard, Canvasback and Canvas Back Magic. I hope you enjoy these shots and will also pop over to Kim's blog and check out all of the other lovely, creative entries from this week's participants :) KK Texture Tuesday

~ klb


  1. Hi Kim,
    so many gorgeous images today! The last one with the fuzzy bee is our fave. Beautiful texture work, well done :)
    Have a happy August!

  2. All of these photos are amazing - I especially like the first one.

  3. I like the first one very much! Have flowers like this in my own garden, find it hard to get them well on the photo. You did a great job, nice texture work as well. The others look great too!

  4. Hi Kim,
    Very nicely done. I like especially the edge effect.

  5. Hi Kim,
    This is my first visit to your blog, especially luv your flower creations!
    Thanks for inspiring me.
    Barb in Texas


  6. I wish my dianthus looked like those! Your flower images are beautiful, and you've "embellished" them with textures in a wonderfully subtle way!

  7. Very well edited! Beautiful pictures.
