Saturday, August 6, 2011

Yay! Converted my TFF images to JPGs :)

Sooo -- here they are. Taken yesterday at the entrance to Birchwood Monofill.  As I said - there is beauty everywhere if one has eyes to see it. The quotes were found at Both photos use digital textures by Kim Klassen ("Canvas Magic" and "Start"); the image with the pink flower also uses one of my own digital textures ("DI Texture 1" - last photo shown). Clipping masks made from digital brushes by Anna Aspnes ("Hipster Plumes Korners & Edges No. 1") and "meth" (found at Fonts are "CK_Ali's_Hand" and "Maiandra." 

The edited version of the pink flower is on here twice because I can't decide if I prefer the white text or the brown, better. What are your thoughts?


~ klb

Straight out of camera

Straight out of camera

DI Texture 1 - low res

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pink flower and a beautiful texture work. :) I prefer the white text (such a beautiful quote, btw!). Have a lovely Monday.
