Wednesday, December 5, 2007

P*S*B - December 5 ~ Night Photography

This week's challenge is night photography. The photo below is actually a panoramic of two separate shots. There are more decorations (a nativity on the lawn and a helicopter on the wall) behind the reindeer on the right which I took shots of, but they didn't come out as well as this one (two).

Photo was taken at 5:30 pm, after I dropped DS#3 and his girlfriend off at their place; I drove through a nearby neighborhoood to look for Christmas lights for this challenge. I remained seated in the car, rolled down the passenger door window and shot through it. No tripod, just handheld.

TFL - kimB

F3.4; Landscape mode; ISO 800; 1/14 sec; 10.8mm focal length


  1. this is great especially for handheld ! way to go .pretty light set up.

  2. Great for handheld! Very festive! Loved all the ones you previously put up a few days ago. They were awesome examples of night photography too!

  3. OK, I'm inspired.......need to get out in my neighborhood. Nice job!
