Monday, September 26, 2011


My first grandson -- Adrian Isaac! He arrived @ 5:23 pm Sept 23, 2011 - exactly one day after his Daddie's 26th birthday and his parents' 2nd wedding anniversary. Adrian is little brother to our precious Amelia Ann, who turned two years old on Sept 7, 2011 - the same day her mother turned 20. September is a big month for birthdays in our family - along with these four, my son-in-law's birthday is Sept 4, my kids' older half-sister's birthday is Sept 1 and my birthday is almost exactly between Amelia's and Adrian's - on Sept 15.  Busy, busy month!

Anyway - on to the photos! This first one I took with my iPhone when Adrian was nearly an hour and a half old.  I love his chubby little cheeks and the fact that he has HAIR! Amelia, like her Daddie, Matthew, was born with peach fuzz, but my three older kids all had a ton of hair at birth, as did I. It's sweet that little Adrian has followed this "tradition" :) He is a beautiful little boy and a priceless addition to our family.

Oh right - the photos...

The second photo is the "SooC" version of my entry for this week's Texture Tuesday in the theme of "LOVE." This photo was also taken with an iPhone - this time taken Adrian's other grandmother when he was about three hours old. The third photo is my edited/processed entry image.

Straight out of camera


* Cropped original photo to 8 x 10, 300 dpi
* Levels adjustment layer
* White balance adjustment
* Changed color photo to sepia
* Added Kim Klassen's Canvas Magic texture - Lighten blend mode @ 100%
* Added Kim Klassen's Love texture - Multiply blend mode @ 70%
* Fonts: Angelic War ("Father & Son") and Hello Sark
* Clipping mask made by me, using brushes from brusheezy.

**NOTE** - Edits made to my first image also used the "Canvas Magic" and "Love" textures by Kim Klassen

Be sure to visit Kim Klassen's Cafe to see all the other lovely entries for this week's theme of LOVE!

TFL ~ klb

Monday, September 19, 2011

Autumn Pix and Texture Tuesday

The other day, we took a drive through Hatcher Pass and on up north to Talkeetna. So much glorious color to see -- it took my breath away... Here are a few of the shots I took that day -- the first image is my entry for this week's TT theme, "Free & Easy - Anything Goes" eDition (Photo must use at least one of Kim Klassen's textures).

Straight out of camera

Unfortunately, I neglected to jot down the various edits I made to these photos -- didn't realize that till just now... I do know that each is cropped to 8 x 10 and each uses the "Autumn Burst" texture from Kim Klassen. The track photo and the Mt McKinley photo both use additional textures, but I cannot tell you which ones or at what blend mode settings.  Sorry.

On another note - I'm no poet, but my emotions and spirit were so consumed with the beauty around me, that I wrote this down --

O Wonder!
O Joy!
O Magnificent Creation!
Who could imagine the beauty to be found in a state of decay?
The LORD --- Master --- Creator --- Artiste
He is the Maker of Masterpieces --- in His gallery hang the colors of death
Blues & Greens, Golds & Reds, Copper & Amethyst
Breathtaking Majesty!
In a world that is destined for destruction - that is rotting under the weight of sin
If such beauty and wonder can be seen so clearly in a dying world...
Can you even try to imagine the colors of LIFE that await us in Eternity?
If our Father-GOD will bestow such vibrancy to something that is not intended to last...
What must  Heaven be like --- what beauty, what wonder, what joy and splendor will we see and experience in the New Earth?
The richness of color and beauty - even intensified 100-fold in our imaginations -
Is nothing compared to the reality we will experience in that day...

O, Praise HIS Holy Name!

~ klb

Monday, September 12, 2011

Texture Tuesday ~ the "Autumn Burst and/or Do eDition"

Kim Klassen's original theme for this week's challenge was, "Do." Today, though, she added a texture -- Autumn Burst -- and changed the theme to include using her texture "and/or" the original "Do" challenge. My entry uses both.  The text on my image, "Lead me to the CROSS," is something I pray/DO every day. Life has been full of unexpected challenges for the last year and a half. Challenges of the non-photography variety. I cannot imagine getting through them and moving forward without Jesus by my side.

Oh. And I also used Kim's "Autumn Burst" texture on my image.

Straight out of camera


* Original layer: cropped to 8 x 10; levels adjustment
* Duplicated original layer and levels adjustment; set duplicated layer to SOFT LIGHT @ 36%
* Used a Hue/Sat adjustment layer and reduced saturation
* Added "Scripted Autumn" - MULTIPLY @ 65%
* Using a soft brush @ 25% opacity, erased texture from the cross in the photo.
* Duplicated "Scripted Autumn" - SOFT LIGHT @ 65% - again, erased texture from the cross
* Added "Autumn Burst" - OVERLAY @ 100%
* Used clipping mask made from digital brushes by Anna Aspnes (
* Added text using VT Portable Remington font

Photo was taken in Happy Valley, Alaska, July 2011

Be sure to visit the other fun and creative entries at Kim Klassen Cafe'

~ klb

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Remember

Ten years ago today, my Husband and I were sound asleep when we received a phone call from our son, J, who worked at one of our local TV stations in Anchorage. Rog answered the phone and walked back into the bedroom to tell me that J was on the phone with disturbing news -- it appeared the US was under attack - in NYC.  I was recovering from a shattered elbow and struggled to get up off the mattress on the floor. Rog had gone back into the living room and turned on the TV. I came out, sat down on the couch and remained glued to the set for the next several hours - watching in wonder and amazement.  I don't recall anything else about that day. I do know that our local news reported airport closures and heightened security around our army and air force bases. Anything beyond that is just a blur. 

Denali National Park, 7/10/10

Today, I am watching assorted special programs on TV commemorating that surreal tragedy. Some is actual footage taken during that day and others are re-enactments of the days and hours leading up to the attack. I'm not really sure why I am watching. Out of respect for the lives that were lost and for the loved ones left behind - but I did not know anyone personally who lived through or died in NYC, Pennsylvania or Washington DC. Still, as I watch these programs, my heart is touched and my prayers are with those who lost loved ones on that momentous day. My thoughts and prayers are also with those who are fighting in "the war on terror" - Bless them for their courage, determination and sacrifice. Bless their families for their own sacrifice and hardships as they watch their loved ones march off to war for the benefit of many.

Angelus Memorial Cemetery, 5/30/11

~ klb

Saturday, September 10, 2011

How Excellent!

This is a photo I took recently of a HIGHLY TOXIC mushroom in Eagle River Alaska. On it, I used the "Gorton Effect" which gives the image a soft, dreamy look. I got the instructions from Kim Boustany at kimi kreations -- Thanks so much, Kim :)  Also used a clipping mask made from digital brushes by Anna Aspnes at Oscraps

Straight out of camera

~ klb

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Texture Tuesday ~ the Cracker Jack eDition

This week's challenge for Kim Klassen's TT group was to use her "Cracker Jack" texture on our photo.  This shot was taken last Saturday in Petersville Alaska. I wanted to capture the changing of the seasons and focused on the orange-red leaves of the fireweed and the golden leaves of the aspen behind it. I used two layers of Kim's Cracker Jack texture on this image.

Straight out of camera

Formula --

* Cropped original photo to 8 x 10
* Duplicated original image - SOFT LIGHT blend mode @ 100%
* Added Cracker Jack Texture - MULTIPLY blend mode @ 75%
* Duplicated Cracker Jack layer and flipped horizontally
* Added processed image to clipping mask
* Added text - CAC Shishoni Brush and Century Gothic fonts

Please be sure to check out all the lovely entries at Kim Klassen Cafe :)

~ klb