Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Texture Tuesday Challenge ~ April 19, 2011

I'm a member of this really fun and creative site called Kim Klassen Cafe'. Kim is an amazing artist, specializing in creating and using digital textures for photos. She has classes, tutorials, designer texture sets one can purchase and even has free textures for those who subscribe to her "Texture Lovin' List." Each Tuesday, Kim has a challenge using one or more of her textures. Today, we are to use two of her textures on one of our photos and share the link on her site so all can visit and applaud our efforts!

Here is my photo for this week's challenge --

I used Kim's "Slience" texture - multiply blending mode @ 100% opacity and "Sweettreat" texture - multiply blending mode @ 70%. I used the "High Pass" filter to sharpen the branch and ice drop a bit and lightened up the background a bit, as well (Kim shared a tutorial today explaining how to do these steps). Clipping mask was made from corner brushes ("brushes_by_Affaleen") and border brushes (designer unknown). Fonts are CAC Shishoni Brush and Century Gothic.

Here's the original - SoC - image --

~ klb

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Newest Textured Photos

"Bed on a Workday Morning"
Textures: Kim Klassen - "Warm Texture" & Jerry Jones/Skeletal Mess
Brushes: brushes_by_kaffaleen
Fonts: Arabian Typesetting, Mistral, Century Gothic

"Spring Blooms in my Kitchen"
Textures: Kim Klassen - "Sweettreat" & "Chamomile"
Brushes: brushes-by-kaffaleen; border brushes unknown

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Textured Photos

My current digital interest is adding textures to my photos. Some of these images are duplicated, but if you look closely, you'll see they are not identical, due to the variety of textures and blending modes used. It is my hope that I might find a market for this type of artistic style and bring in a little income while sharing the beauty and majesty of GOD's creation.

The Neptune ~ Prince William Sound

The Neptune in sepia

Prince William Sound

WWII Bunker, Whittier AK

Outside Alamosa Colorado
Mt. Rushmore

Tree in D.C. ~ taken by my daughter, Jenni

Another D.C. tree taken by daughter, Jenni

3rd and Final D.C. tree

Moose in my backyard 

Alaska Botanical Garden

Alaska Botanical Garden

Wooden Bridge, South Dakota

Life is a Highway ~ South Dakota

South Dakota

Cook Inlet, Turnagain Arm

South Dakota

Tatonka ~ The Badlands

Beauty in the Badlands

Seward Hwy, Southcentral AK

The Big Island of Hawai'i