Thursday, November 20, 2008

Recent Winter Photos

Earlier this week, we had a couple of days of ice fog, which made for a rather dreary setting. Two days ago, however, the skies were clear and bright blue -- and the trees were glistening white and fluffy with ice crystals! The following 18 photos were taken that day; the final 14 at Mirror Lake recreational park in Peters Creek, Alaska.

I was so moved and humbled and honored that GOD would choose to share His majesty and beauty with me that day. These photos demonstrate that even in our times of stark coldness and winter darkness, His love, mercy, grace and faithfulness shine through and give us beauty and hope and joy.

I hope these photos will bless your spirit as much as they have my own...

"Sunlight & Shadow on Poppy Lane" ~ Eagle River

"Cruising North on the Glenn Highway"

"Sunlight on the Trail" ~ Peters Creek

"Mirror Lake Recreational Park" ~ Peters Creek

"Winter Crocs Keep My Tootsies Warm!"

TFL ~ klb

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hi There...Remember Me?!

It's been a loooooong time since I've posted anything and for those of you faithful friends and family members who've been checking, I do apologize and thank you for your patience!

Since my last posting, I have entered the world of Photshop and - as my sis-in-law, Linda, puts it - I think I've "found my calling!" Most of you know that I cannot and will not share any photos which I have not first "tweaked" in some way. That still holds true, but now, because of the things I've been learning in the Photoshop lessons I've been taking (, the photos I choose to share are more creative than ever before. Yes, there are still those pics I just make small adjustments to without all the "decoration" - I use those for my layouts - and I will share those here on this blog as well.

For now, though, here are three of my favorites - all done within the last month or so. Info and credits below each photo.

TFL ~ klb

Credits: pattern paper: Christine Nash; brushes:; fonts: Papyrus, Honey Script ("Remember" and "Memories") and Century Gothic (place and date). Photo taken by me, July 4, 2008

Credits: Fonts: Century Gothic (Scripture verse and reference) and Dali (place and date). Photo taken by me at the Alaska Zoo, June 5, 2008

Credits: Brush: Katie Pertiet; fonts: French Script (Scripture verse) and Century Gothic (reference). Photo taken by me - detail of the apple blossoms on our tree, June 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jan 16, 2008 ~ P*S*B/Photography 101 (Group 2) - PORTRAIT MODE

Well, these photos are kind of the opposite of what was listed for lesson 2 (sharp subject/blurred background), but these were both taken in portrait mode nonetheless.

I took these from my bedroom window; zoomed in on the birds through the snow-covered branches of our apple tree. Details listed under each photo.

TFL - kimB

Bohemian Waxwings in Flight
F4.9, Portrait Mode, ISO 200, 1/159 sec

Bohemian Waxwings in our Mountain Ash Tree

F4.9, Portrait Mode, ISO 200, 1/189 sec