Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hi There...Remember Me?!

It's been a loooooong time since I've posted anything and for those of you faithful friends and family members who've been checking, I do apologize and thank you for your patience!

Since my last posting, I have entered the world of Photshop and - as my sis-in-law, Linda, puts it - I think I've "found my calling!" Most of you know that I cannot and will not share any photos which I have not first "tweaked" in some way. That still holds true, but now, because of the things I've been learning in the Photoshop lessons I've been taking (http://www.jessicasprague.com/), the photos I choose to share are more creative than ever before. Yes, there are still those pics I just make small adjustments to without all the "decoration" - I use those for my layouts - and I will share those here on this blog as well.

For now, though, here are three of my favorites - all done within the last month or so. Info and credits below each photo.

TFL ~ klb

Credits: pattern paper: Christine Nash; brushes: Brusheezy.com; fonts: Papyrus, Honey Script ("Remember" and "Memories") and Century Gothic (place and date). Photo taken by me, July 4, 2008

Credits: Fonts: Century Gothic (Scripture verse and reference) and Dali (place and date). Photo taken by me at the Alaska Zoo, June 5, 2008

Credits: Brush: Katie Pertiet; fonts: French Script (Scripture verse) and Century Gothic (reference). Photo taken by me - detail of the apple blossoms on our tree, June 2008